Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sort of Moving.

Okay I might be moving to Tumblr.Yes,might.Because I still need to get used to it.
I am doing it with Sahitia.Pretty cool,eh?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting Hacked.

Okay so I just came to know who hacked into my friend's account.I was going to blog about something completely different but this took away ALL my attention.And I was in for a big surprise.You think you know them well,you've been with them in class for years.And this is what they do.And my judgement was SO SO RIGHT.I always had a very close circle of friends.I talk to everybody else.I do.But I sort of keep them away.You know,where they're supposed to be.I've learnt not to bother about what they have to say about me.I mean,they might be nice on the face but the next day someone comes up to tell you that the girl was talking bad about you.What drama.Haha.And I like to stay out of it.
So about the people who hacked.Its not FUN.Its not even close to being funny.ITS SICK.You're invading people's privacy.And its not nice.If you think its cool to do it,WELL ITS NOT.And go away you creeps.Do you really think its cool to look into people's lives?
I am angry and I feel BAD for them.They lead low lives.

I remember telling my friend its stupid to bother about what people have to say.She said they're not people but people who you know for years.Thats true.But don't you know who you can rely on,who really knows you well,who will actually stand up for you in ALL those years?

And what they have to say matters.

That's all.

And I hope this message rings clear to that one person.And I do care about her.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Past and Future.

I decided to name this post because that is exactly what I did yesterday.Think about my past and dream about my future.I met my old friend,Anusha yesterday.And it was really nice meeting her.You know,we just hugged and started talking about life in general.Oh yes,about life.About everything that happened in 6 years.Everything we missed.And I don't think anyone would understand that.

We really didn't care about what we spoke.We were like strangers.We didn't have to think about who she might go and tell.We just spoke A LOT.Over a hugeeee cup of coke.Trust me,it was hugeeeee.And I couldn't finish it.I ended up feeling uneasy!At the end,we spoke about our future.How unsure and difficult it was gonna be.But both of us were looking forward to it too.Looking forward to the change.And after gossiping about our horrible school life it was time to say goodbye.We didn't take any pictures,we didn't write each other mails.We just met and poured our hearts out. And it felt good.We'll do it again in 5 years maybe.We'll catch up.

Later,I went for a party(I really need a new post to describe that).It was FUN.People did act weird for reasons I'll never understand.At times,you sort of feel people don't understand you at all.And somehow,I did feel that way.Maybe it was just a bad day.But nevertheless,I had a great great time!

I hope things get back to normal.Till then,I'll reminiscence.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wake Up.

I was online on facebook.I heard someone scream and a loud THUD!
I opened the window but I didn't see anything.I went back to doing my work.
Then I went to wash the dishes.When I was washing,the doorbell rang.I heard a lady screaming asking for help.I just had to let her in.She ran and opened my balcony door.I really didn't understand what was happening.I knew I had to be calm.Her son and the security guard came rushing in too.She screamed louder and below was her daughter lying in a pool of blood.
My mom who was in the room came running,scared.I asked her to calm down.After seeing what I saw,she was shocked.I knew I had to act calm.
Then they all rushed to the first floor.My mom was in the verge of crying.I was too shocked to say anything.I had never seen anything like that before.She just lay there.Blood.I saw all that.And I was speechless.I could hear the sirens.I just prayed.

I didn't want to write this post unless I knew what happened to the girl.

She survived.

She was fourteen.

She survived.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crying is okay.

But I don't like YOU crying.

So please stop?

Single Ladies.

Where has everybody gone?On blogspot,that is.People don't seem to blog that often these days.(I include myself).I am so busy doing nothing that blogging is the last thing I'd like to do.So I was youtubing and I come across this guy.And his blog issocoollike.You should check him out.
I want to take a video too.You know,I want to be a video blogger too.Then I realized,I might LOOK like an idiot.Maybe I should have someone with me and both of us could act weird.
So people on blogspot COME OUT AND BLOG!(I am telling myself too) or else you'll lose me to Tumblr.One of my friends recently wrote her 200th post.OMG.
So yeah.
I need to make more sense in my posts.I need to write sensible makes-me-think-about-life stuff.
What do you think?

Oh and I know the blog title has nothing to do with the post.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I've been thinking.

I am really moody.
And it doesn't help when some people just get on your nerves.Like right now,I screamed at my brother.OH YES.I forgot it was his birthday a few days back.Happy Birthday,Abu!My baby brother's growing.No really,he is.And we fight a lot.But we sort of have been there for each other.No,we don't tell each other secrets or anything.I tease him about the pretty girls and he makes fun of my sad life.(that reminds,I don't have one.)This is to the morons who think so!I think I am glad where I am now.
So I was thinking about what freedom really means.I was reading a friend's blog and it really made me think.
What is freedom?I think it's doing what you want to without having to think about the consequences.Just doing what you love.
Freedom to speak our mind,I don't do that very often.Right now,if I could I would tell all those people who annoy me to get a life.But I won't.
Freedom to write,that I do:) Without fear.
I can go on.
But I'll stop.
What does freedom mean to you?